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司露露,郭晓兰,郭鹏娟等. 登革病毒prM 抗体的中和作用及ADE 作用研究. 中山大学学报. 2016 Vol. 37 (3): 321-325.

Ying Wang, Lulu Si, Yayan Luo, et al. Replacement of pr gene with Japanese

encephalitis virus pr using reverse genetics reduces antibody-dependent

enhancement of dengue virus 2 infection. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015


Ying Wang, Lulu Si, Xiaolan Guo, et al. Substitution of the precursor peptide

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dengue virus infection. Virus Res. 2017 Feb 2;229:57-64.

Liu S ,Chen L, Zeng Y, Si L, et al. Suppressed expression of miR-378 targeting gzmb
in NK cells is required to control dengue virus infection. Cell Mol Immunol. 2016 Sep;13(5):700-8.

郭晓兰,司露露,管大伟等. 两株人H7N9 禽流感病毒的全基因组测序及分子特征分析.
中山大学学报.2015 Vol.36 (2):167-175.

1: Liu H, Su X, Si L, Lu L, Jiang S. The development of HIV vaccines targeting

gp41 membrane-proximal external region (MPER): challenges and prospects. Protein

Cell. 2018 Jul;9(7):596-615. doi: 10.1007/s13238-018-0534-7. Epub 2018 Apr 17.

PMID: 29667004; PMCID: PMC6019655.

2: Si L, Meng Y, Tian F, Li W, Zou P, Wang Q, Xu W, Wang Y, Xia M, Hu J, Jiang

S, Lu L. A Peptide-Based Virus Inactivator Protects Male Mice Against Zika

Virus-Induced Damage of Testicular Tissue. Front Microbiol. 2019 Sep 27;10:2250.

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02250. PMID: 31611865; PMCID: PMC6777420.

3: Hua C, Zhu Y, Wu C, Si L, Wang Q, Sui L, Jiang S. The Underlying Mechanism of

3-Hydroxyphthalic Anhydride-Modified Bovine Beta-Lactoglobulin to Block Human

Papillomavirus Entry Into the Host Cell. Front Microbiol. 2019 Sep 26;10:2188.

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02188. PMID: 31611852; PMCID: PMC6775479.


2015-12 中山大学中山医学院纪念白施恩教授奖教奖学金
2016-11 中山大学中山大学优秀研究生奖学金
2011-06 郑州大学郑州大学二等奖学金
2010-09 郑州大学郑州大学三等奖学金
2009-09 郑州大学郑州大学“三好学生”

版权所有:2017年 复旦大学姜世勃课题组 沪交ICP备16018209-1