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毕业年份:2014年   Email:xuwei11@fudan.edu.cn



1999年-2004年  北华大学  医学院检验专业  本科

2004年-2007年  北华大学  医学检验专业     硕士

2011年-2014年  复旦大学  病原生物学专业  博士




Xu, W. #, Wang, Q. #, Yu, F., Lu, L.*, Jiang, S.* (2014). Synergistic effect resulting from combinations of a bifunctional HIV-1 antagonist with antiretroviral drugs. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (JAIDS), 67(1):1-6. IF=4.425.


Xu, W. #, Lu, L #. Shen, B., Li, J., Xu, J., Jiang, S.* (2013). Serological investigation of subclinical influenza A (H7H9) infection among healthcare and non-healthcare workers in Zhejiang Province of China. Clin. Infect. Dis.57(6):919-921. IF=9.374.


Xu, W., Sun, Z.,Liu, Q., Xu, J., Jiang, S.*, Lu, L.* (2013). PA-356R as a unique signature in avian influenza A(H7N9) virus possibly associated with the increased bird-to-human transmissibility and virulence: potential implication for animal surveillances. J. Infect. 67(5):490-494. IF=4.382


Cheng, X.J.#, Xu, W.#, Zhang, Q.Y.*, Zhou, R.L. (2008). Relationship between LAPTM4B gene polymorphism and susceptibility of colorectal and esophageal cancers. Ann. Oncol. 19(3):527-32. IF=9.269


Zhu X. #, Zhu Y. #, Ye S. #, Wang Q., Xu W., Su S., Sun Z., Yu F., Liu Q., Wang C., Zhang T., Zhang Z., Zhang X., Xu J., Du L., Liu K., Lu L.*, Zhang R*., Jiang S*. (2015). Improved Pharmacological and Structural Properties of HIV Fusion Inhibitor AP3 over Enfuvirtide: Highlighting Advantages of Artificial Peptide Strategy. Sci Rep. 2015 Aug 19;5:13028. IF=5.228


Xun T, Li W, Chen J, Yu F, Xu W, Wang Q, Yu R, Li X, Zhou X, Lu L, Jiang S, Li L, Tan S*, Liu S*. (2015). ADS-J1 inhibits semen-derived amyloid fibril formation and blocks fibril-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Sep;59(9):5123-34. IF= 4.415


Sun Z, Wang Q, Jia R, Xia S, Li Y, Liu Q, Xu W, Xu J, Du L, Lu L*, Jiang S*. (2015). Intranasal administration of maleic anhydride-modified human serum albumin for pre-exposure prophylaxis of respiratory syncytial virus infection. Viruses. 2015 Feb 16;7(2):798-819.  IF= 4.415


Jiang, S.*, Lu, L., Liu, Q., Xu, W., Du, L. (2012). The receptor-binding domains of spike proteins of emerging viruses as targets for vaccine development. Emerg. Microb. Infect. 2012 Aug; 1(8): e13.



2013 年获国家研究生奖学金








版权所有:2017年 复旦大学姜世勃课题组 沪交ICP备16018209-1