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毕业年份(2014届博 |  Emailqiliu@aliyun.com








1. Lu Lu (共第一), Qi Liu (共第一), Yun Zhu (共第一), Kwok-Hung Chan, Lili Qin, Yuan Li, Qian Wang, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Lanying Du, Fei Yu, Cuiqing Ma, Sheng Ye, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Rongguang Zhang, Shibo Jiang. Structure-based discovery of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus fusion inhibitor. Nature Communications, 5, 3067, 2014.

2. Qi Liu, Lu Lu, Zhiwu Sun, Guang-Wu Chen, Yumei Wen, Shibo Jiang. Genomic signature and protein sequence analysis of a novel influenza A (H7N9) virus that causes an outbreak in humans in China. Microbes and Infection, 15, 432-439, 2013.

3. Wei Xu, Zhiwu Sun, Qi Liu, Jianqing Xu, Shibo Jiang, Lu Lu.. PA-356R is a unique signature of the avian influenza A (H7N9) viruses with bird-to-human transmissibility: Potential implication for animal surveillances. Journal of Infection, 67, 490-494, 2013.

4. Fei Yu, Lu Lu, Qi Liu, Xiaowen Yu, Lili Wang, Elaine He, Peng Zou, Lanying Du, Rogier W. Sanders, Shuwen Liu, Shibo Jiang. ADS-J1 inhibits HIV-1 infection and membrane fusion by targeting the highly conserved pocket in the gp41 NHR-trimer. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1838, 1296–1305, 2014.

5. Lu Lu, Qi Liu, Lanying Du, and Shibo Jiang. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV): challenges in identifying its source and controlling its spread. Microbes and Infection. 15, 625-629, 2013.

6. Shibo Jiang, LuLu, Qi Liu, Wei Xu, Lanying Du. Receptor-binding domains of spike proteins of emerging or re-emerging viruses as targets for development of antiviral vaccines. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 1(8): e13, 2012.

7. Xiaojie Zhu, Qi Liu, Lanying Du, Lu Lu, Shibo Jiang. Receptor-binding domain as a target for developing SARS vaccines. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 5(Suppl 2): S142-S148, 2013.

8. Tianlei Ying, Lanying Du, Tina W. Ju, Ponraj Prabakaran, Candy C. Y. Lau, Lu Lu, Qi Liu, Yang Feng, Yanping Wang, Bo-Jian Zheng, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Shibo Jiang, and Dimiter S. Dimitrov. Exceptionally potent neutralization of MERS-CoV by human monoclonal antibodies[J]. Journal of virology, JVI- 00912-14, 2014.



版权所有:2017年 复旦大学姜世勃课题组 沪交ICP备16018209-1