年级:2018级博士研究生|Email:18111010051@fudan.edu.cn |家乡:河南安阳
2018年9月至今: 复旦大学病原生物学专业博士在读
1. Weijuan Zhang, Yanxing Cai, Wei Xu, Sidong Xiong*. C-reactive protein functions as a negative regulator of macrophage activation induced by apoptotic DNA. Protein Cell, 2011, 2: 672-679
2. Yanxing Cai, Weijuan Zhang, Sidong Xiong*. Mannose-binding lectin blunts macrophage polarization and ameliorates lupus nephritis. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8: e62465(第一作者)
3. Weijuan Zhang, Yanxing Cai, Sidong Xiong*. AIM2 facilitates the apoptotic DNA-induced systemic lupus erythematosus via arbitrating macrophage functional maturation. Journal of clinical immunology. 2013, 33(5): 925-37 (共同第一作者)
4. Weijuan Zhang, Qian Zhou, Wei Xu, Yanxing Cai, Zhinan Yin, Xiaoming Gao, and Sidong Xiong*. DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors (DAI) promotes lupus nephritis by activating the calcium pathway. Journal of biological chemistry. 2013, 288(19):13534-50
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版权所有:2017年 复旦大学姜世勃课题组 沪交ICP备16018209-1 |